Sunday, February 6, 2011

Making It All The Way Through Moby Dick

Reading is one of my favorite past times.  I read at least an hour a day.  If you count all the time I spend reading e-mails, and Facebook, and blogs, and, it is much more than an hour.

I like a wide range of books.  I am not afraid of the Classics.  My favorite book of all time is a 700 pager.  I enjoy children's books, and self-help books, and any form of literature that is well-written, informing, and tells a story.

That said, I have never made it through Melville's masterpiece, Moby Dick.  I have tried, and tried, and tried.  That book has moved with me to three states.  I want to be able to talk with most of the rest of the world about the wisdom from that book.  Unfortunately, I think I will have to get the Cliff's Notes and just go for the highlights.  I cannot bring myself to finish that book.

That said, I have found a great use for that book which brings me tons of joy.  Are you ready for it?  Here it is:

It is a wreath of book pages.  Yes, Moby Dick was used in the making of this wreath, along with 2 other books.

I sort of didn't mean for it to turn out so big, but I love it none the less.  Here is a side view:

Did I mention that it is big?  But I love how it turned out.

I am not going to tell you how I did it, because it wasn't my idea, and because there are about 843 wreath making tutorials that you can look at if you are interested.  Here are some of my favorites:

Living with Lindsay

My Blessed Life

The Red Chair Blog

As a point of reference this took me about $0.97 (for the wreath base), three books, 4 hours (while watching HGTV), and a lot of glue sticks.

What are some of your latest creations.  Send me links.  I love projects.

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